Next week we will be taking the van on its first overnight trip. Not too far from home – this will be a shake down trip to see how well the layout will function for me. I’ll be able to test how much battery power I will use on a normal night with fridge, lights, fans etc. I’ll find out if the bed is comfortable and test the cook stoves. If I don’t completely understand how something works, I can ask Kevin, since he did most the solar and electrical set-up. I need to be sure I know how to manage and monitor everything myself for when I’m traveling solo.
The major parts of the build are finished. I’m now getting to the decor. We installed the upper cabinetry, valances, trim and lots of other little projects. Be sure to check out my videos on YouTube. You can also subscribe while there to be notified of new content. My latest video is below. I’ll be posting the next one to my channel this week.